What is your true Cost-Per-Piece?
Every print file starts with your native software pushing the data out of your printer.
Opportunities to intelligently automate your mail piece start here. Depending on your outbound need, AMERICAN MAILING SOLUTIONS INC. will reduce postage costs and automate the mail piece for various outbound needs.
Every time a document is printed the click cost of the toner and imaging parts add to the overall cost per piece.
Based on the "type" of printing and printers, AMERICAN INK SOLUTIONS INC. will lower click costs, can reduce the number of office printers, and minimize the use of a copier company.
Postage meters are priced based on volume and convenience. Additionally, our competitors add fees and are driven to upsell.
AMERICAN MAILING SOLUTIONS INC. has a 90% success rate in terminating leases. We offer equipment in line with our goals of reducing per-piece costs.
Envelopes, letterhead, brochures, and other print to be used in a mailing campaign add a substantial amount of cost-per-piece.
AMERICAN PRINTING SOLUTIONS INC. can offer different paper substrates, quantities, and methods of printing will significantly reduce the overall cost of the mail piece.

Obviously, there are many more questions that must be addressed to streamline all or a portion of your mail stream.

Contact Us!
Contacting us today will change your print and mailing dynamic. We can expose every element in your communication flow.